NEW Halloween Activities and Geometry Activities

Happy Friday!

First, how are YOU? Like, really? I hope the school year is off to a positive start and you are finding a way to balance work and life. I'll be honest, I'm struggling right now with the balance part. Hopefully once I'm able to move a bit closer to my job and cut down on my loooooong commute, the balance will fall into place!

I've been getting in some work on Beyond the Worksheet products because, honestly, it brings me joy. It's my creative outlet and I'm so grateful to have so many of you to share with!

I've just listed three new seasonal Halloween activities for grades 6 - 8. I hope to have one out for 5th and one for Geometry soon too! These are simple and easy to use Escape style activities (not Math Escapes, these are far more simple) and should be a fun addition to your classroom this October. If you are a member of Absolute Access, you already have these on your Dashboards under the seasonal category!

Which, by the way, can we believe OCTOBER is already next week?

I also have some new Geometry activities available, with more (and another whole unit) coming soon! Plus, the full curriculum is available for pre-release! Get all new activities and units as soon as they are complete!

I hope you have plans this weekend to rest, recharge and do things that bring you joy!


Beyond The Worksheet Inc.

Join me if you're a middle school math teacher seeking ready-to-go resources, teaching tips, and innovative ideas to make math fun and engaging for your students!

Read more from Beyond The Worksheet Inc.

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